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Media & Resources
Even retiring from the NFL, Jason Kelce serves lessons for leveling up executive presence
Eileen Smith
Be More Like Rocky Balboa: Have a Theme Song
Elizabeth Bernstein
How to Become a Better, Braver Public Speaker
Rachel Feintzeig
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Executive Insights
Eileen Smith
Eileen Smith of Spokesmith on How to Build Your Brand as an Executive and Why it Matters
Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Public Speaking: From Oration to Ovation with Eileen Smith Accountable Podcast with David Peters
Eileen Smith
3 ways to respond to difficult questions you don’t want to answer
Eileen Smith
Master the art of showcasing your skills in a job interview
Eileen Smith
How to adapt the Japanese secret to a long happy life in your career
Eileen Smith
The skill that can accelerate your career
Jessica Salerno-Shumaker
3 things not to say when you’re looking for a job
Eileen Smith
How leaders can use ChatGPT to craft an inspiring message
Eileen Smith
3 signs your boss is 'quiet firing' you — and the 2 steps you should take immediately
Eileen Smith
Get more done by building on this proven set of rules
Eileen Smith
Unlock the secrets to speaking to anyone with ease - Article
Eileen Smith
Unlock the Secrets to Speaking to Anyone with Ease - Live Event
Eileen Smith
It's actually a great time to negotiate a higher salary. Here are 5 steps for asking for a raise.
Eileen Smith
How Public Speaking Can Benefit CPAs
Eileen Smith
3 easy ways to recession-proof your career right now
Eileen Smith
3 steps to take if you want to unretire or return to your old job
Eileen Smith
3 things to do when the GOAT of your office leaves the company
Eileen Smith
3 ways to kick imposter syndrome after getting promoted and show that you belong at the top
Eileen Smith
Eileen Smith
Consider these factors if you want to be a more inclusive speaker
Eileen Smith
Realatable Podcast
Eileen Smith
Instagram Live with Susie Moore
Eileen Smith
A public-speaking coach gives 5 tips for nailing your first performance or meeting back in person
Eileen Smith
4 ways dissent and alternative viewpoints can power growth
Eileen Smith
5 easy ways leaders can rebuild broken bonds between team members in the return to the office
Eileen Smith
3 simple strategies to conquer your public speaking nerves
Eileen Smith
Use these 3 solid answers next time someone asks: ‘Tell me about yourself’
Eileen Smith
6 Tips for Nonprofit Professionals on Speaking Brilliantly with Your Slides
Beth Singer
How to Ace Your College Interview Questions — on Zoom!
Eileen Smith
How to Project Confidence and Energy on Zoom – Even if You Aren’t Feeling it on the Inside
Eileen Smith
Do Your Training Participants Have Public Speaking Anxiety?3 tools to ease your participants to the
Eileen Smith
How to Perfect Your Elevator Pitch
Eileen Smith
How to Moderate an Engaging Virtual Panel
Eileen Smith
3 things you must do to be more engaging on videoconferences
Eileen Smith
Thanks to Stefanie Botelho and University Business Magazine for quoting me in this article.
Stefanie Botelho
Council on Foreign relations Virtual Meeting: Term Member Workshop on How to Present Online
Eileen Smith
Three Tips to Turn Initial Conversations Into Marketing and Sales Relationships
Eileen Smith
How to Effectively Deliver a Message Through a Screen
Eileen Smith
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